About Me

My photo
Beaufort, SC, United States
Shelley Lowther is the wife of one, mother of four (dogs), enthusiastic yoga instructor and owner of Dancing Dogs Yoga, and Savannah's (in)famous Murphy's Law Pub, outdoor diva, and all around SUPAH-STAH.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Recession Yoga and the Community: Santosha in the City

We yogis and yoginis often go on and on about the Yoga "Community".  We use the word a lot:  Community.   I use the capital "C" in Community on purpose.  I think of Community as something larger than ourselves as individuals.  We are collectively in this together, though individual in nature.  So I liked Webster's definition of Community as "a unified body of individuals." Getting into the meaning of things, the word Yoga actually translates as "to join" or "to yoke".  Union.  Uniting the Community through Yoga. While true in our heart, in reality we often exclude a large portion of our geographic community from our Yoga Community on economic grounds.

I have a basic philosophy when it comes to Yoga Community:  Yoga should be financially accessible to everyone.  Unfortnately, that has not always been the case here in Beaufort.  I plan to change that. 

As a business owner and a devoted Yoga practioner, it is very difficult to unite Yoga and business.  They seem to be counter-intuitive.  A friend told me that she thought "The Business of Yoga" was oxymoronic.  As a business woman, my mind says, "Cut costs.  Get as much money for goods and services as you can."  The yogini says, "No one should have to pay!  Yoga should be FREE!"  So how do we yoke, or unite, Yoga and business?  I still have bills to pay.. rent, utilities, insurance, props, mats... the list goes on.   So what gives?

I read an article in Yoga Journal a couple of years ago about a studio owner in New York who started taking donations from students instead of charging rates.  His "pay-what-you-can-afford" classes were a big hit with young people scraping by in the big city.  This spoke to my heart.  This studio owner was acting in the true spirit of Yoga. Now I see this happening everywhere, and I am thrilled to bring it to my Community.  People are getting into the idea of giving, as seen in two of the most respected Yoga outlets on the web,  YogaDork and Elephant Journal.

The answer to the debacle is Community Yoga.  Recession Yoga.  Pay What You Can Yoga.  Call it what you want...  just help me get the word out to the people who need it.  While we offer a variety of classes that are based on a fee schedule, Dancing Dogs also offers four pay-what-you-can-afford classes every week, on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday mornings (starting March 13th).  These classes are all levels, which means suitable for all fitness levels and bodies.  Even if you have never practiced yoga before, you can attend. 

I've heard some talk from people around town asking about the "free" yoga.  Community Yoga at Dancing Dogs is a donation based class.  This means that the practioner pays based on their ability to pay.  The suggested donation is between $7 and $10.  If the practioner has an extra $2 and wants to come to a yoga class... they pay $2.  If that $2 was meant to buy lunch.... they pay nothing.  My goal is for people to be able to afford to come to Yoga class, on a somewhat regular basis.  If you can afford to pay for Yoga classes, you should make a donation.  While we want to bring Yoga to those who need it and can not afford it, our teachers' time is valuable, and we should all take care to remember that.  The whole karma thing.

If the practitioner can not afford to pay, and feels funny about coming for free.... we can work out a trade agreement, where the person can help check people in, fold blankets, straighten up the studio.  I am open to any way that brings people to the practice of Yoga.

The Sanskrit word "Santosha" means contentment.  I am content to do my part to bring Yoga to a new segment of people in Beaufort.  Santosha in the City.   I think it's good for the Community.

Special Thanks to Riann Mihiylov Photography for the beautiful photos.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Grand Opening Photo Preview

Here's a preview of photos from opening day.

Thanks to Riann Mihiylov of Riann Mihiylov Photography for these amazing images.


We packed them in for Sun Salutations!


Bhujangasana, Cobra Pose


Side Plank (Where's Side Plank Pete?)

Are we about to unleash the dog?

Partner work....

is yummy.  Thanks Kathy!

More photos to come!

The Wandering Yogi Dances With the Dogs

If awesome were inches, this would be the Sears Tower.

Super Awesome News!

We're excited to announce that Marty Crocker, the Wandering Yogi, is joining the excellent teaching staff at Dancing Dogs Yoga. Marty can be found teaching and performing massage all over the Lowcountry, and now we welcome his energy and essence to Dancing Dogs Yoga. Previous owner of the Beaufort Yoga Center, Marty started his training and practice in the Ashtanga discipline. Expect a flowing class with lots of hands on adjustments and plenty of laughs. Marty prides himself on offering clients what they desire, with compassion and keen sense of what the body is telling him. Thai massage was a way for Marty to enhance posture adjustments in yoga class, so when the chance came up to study with a Thai Monk, he hopped in the car and headed for the hills. Marty offers a class that is very hands on, full of wonderful adjustments and simple instruction. We welcome Marty with open arms and anxious anticipation. His first class is Friday, March 5th at 10:15am.

Anusara Awesomeness

Join ANUSARA INSPIRED™ yoga instructor Carol Morrissey every Tuesday night from 5:30-7:00pm for Foundations of Anusara Yoga. Anusara means " to be in the flow" or "flowing with Grace". A yoga practice is much more than mere technical instruction, at the heart of the practice there must be an attitude, an intention, that fills the practice with life. Students will receive comprehensive teachings on the 5 Universal Principles of Alignment. These Principles will allow the student to create an optimal blueprint from which to expand in both body and spirit. Each class will explore all major asana groups with modifications as needed to keep each student safe. Pranayama techniques are taught to help deepen the practice- as it is the breath that makes us shine. Students should expect a class that is mindful, uplifting and challenging- one that beckons them to step into the currents of Grace.

HOT Diggity Yoga

HOT Yoga starts next week. We'll heat the room to AT LEAST 85 degrees, and as you can imagine, our vigorous yoga session at this temperature promotes profuse sweating and makes the body very warm, and therefore more flexible. You may find yourself deeper into asanas than ever before, and in a safe environment. Please bring your own mat and towel, as we will likely SWEAT... a LOT. Mats and Hot Yoga towels available for sale. Four classes: Monday and Wednesday 5:30-7:00pm and Tuesday and Thursday 8:30-9:45 am.

Hatha 4 Haiti Update

We had a great turnout for Hatha 4 Haiti, welcoming some 30 yogis and yoginis into the studio to bless our space with the positive energy of SEVA, or service. We raised over $300 for our cause, which will be sent to the American Red Cross this week. Practicing with the intention of Hope, Help and Healing for Haiti, these wonderful people saluted the sun with all of their energy and vitality. I thank all of you for bringing your joy to our new space. Namaste. Thank you to all of the teachers who led salutations or sequences: Ginny Parker, Sally Moon, Livvy McIntosh. Kerry Autry, Carolyn Seabury, Amanda Hanlon and Kathy Folsom. Thank you ladies. I bow to your splendid essence! Thanks to Shoofly Kitchen for the AMAZING food, and to Carrie Carper and Adagio Creative for getting the word out!

Special congratulations to yogini Laura Kent, who was the winner of our Hatha 4 Haiti yoga mat! Laura wins a Jade or Manduka mat of her choice for her dedicated participation.

Rates and Fees:
$14 Drop-in Rate
5 Class Pass: $60
10 Class Pass $100
Yoga 101: $50
Workshops Vary
Community Yoga Classes are donation based. $7-10 Donation Suggested.
Work/Trade Available.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Why We Practice Yoga

Why DO we practice Yoga??

Yoga has many benefits for the health of our bodies, minds and souls.  The word yoga loosely translates as to yoke, bind, or join.  It is a uniting on many levels, of breath and movement (physical) , mind and body (mental), God and man (spiritual).  

Some of us will develop deep, personal practices.  Others will only develop a physical practice.  Most of us will have something in the middle.  All of us can greatly benefit from a regular yoga practice.

The physical benefits are perhaps the most dramatic and the first thing we notice:

  • Increased flexibility that activate and stretch the joints and muscles
  • Increased Lubrication of the joints, ligaments and tendons
  • Massage for the internal organs, activating and toning the body's systems
  • Detoxification (without pills or supplements)
  • Toning of the muscles, giving us that lean, sculpted look
  • Better sleep and relaxation
  • More energy
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Slower pulse rate
  • Better circulation
  • Decreased respiratory rate, indicating the respiratory system is working more efficiently
  • Stronger immune system
  • Balanced metabolism
  • Better posture
  • Strength
  • Balance
  • Body awareness
  • Core Strength
  • Dexterity
  • Endurance
  • Depth Perception (which is more important as we age)
Mentally, we start to notice change as well:
  • Mood, increased sense of well-being
  • Stress Reduction. Able to handle, adjust to stress better than before
  • Reduction in anxiety.
  • Positive outlook, an over-all feeling of well-being
  • Self-acceptance
  • Self-control
  • Mind-body connection, a sense of awareness
  • Increased attention
  • Ability to be in the moment
  • Increased social skills, feeling of community
  • Increased concentration
  • Calmness
Yoga can also help reduce the risks of Heart disease, Osteoporosis, Alzheimer's and Type II Diabetes. as well as help or decrease the symptoms of Asthma, Allergies, Arthritis, Back Pain, Constipation, Carpal tunnel syndrome,  Menopause, Multiple sclerosis, Muscular dystrophy, Migraines, OCD, Scoliosis, and Sciatica.

Not enough of a reason to practice???

Anais Nin once wrote, "We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are."

What an amazing and poignant statement.  But why is that??  Is it that we are self-obsessed?  Full of ego?  Simply unaware of the true nature of ourselves, others, and everything around us?

There are many physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits of yoga, all which help us balance mind and body.  This is another reason why we practice yoga.  

Yoga can, through a combination of all of it's physical and mental benefits, help us become more in tune with our bodies, our minds, and with our souls.  As we come to know ourselves, we come to understand others, and through our own calmness and acceptance, we can calmly accept others, regardless of our differences.  Yoga is, in a word, uniting.

If you haven't tried yoga yet... maybe it's time to roll out a mat.  With all of these benefits... what are you waiting for?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Eight Limbed Path of Yoga

Did you know that there was a lot more to yoga than just a physical practice?? The word "Ashtanga,"  literally means 8 limbs.  If you think of these as steps, you'll understand the practice of yoga as more than just a series of asanas, or poses, but also as a spiritual and physical journey to enlightenment.

The 8 limbs of yoga are:

  1. Yama (Restraints.  The Don't's)
  2. Niyama (Personal Ethics or Observances, The Do's)
  3. Asana (Postures, Physical Practice)
  4. Pranayama (Breath or Life Force Control)
  5. Pratyahara ( Withdrawal of the Senses)
  6. Dharana (Concentration)
  7. Dhyana (Meditation)
  8. Samadhi (Super-Concious state, enlightenment)

The Yamas, or the restraints, are our first test.  There are five restraints:
  • Ahimsa:  Non-violence, non-injury, non-killing  
  • Satya:  Truthfulness
  • Bracmacharya:  Control of the senses, Proper use of vital energy
  • Asteya: Non-stealing
  • Aparigraha:  Non-covetousness and non-attachement
The Niyamas, or the personal ethics and observances, are:
  • Saucha:  Cleanliness, Purity
  • Santosha:  Contentment
  • Tapas:  Action causing change, heat, austerity
  • Swadhyaya:  Self-study.  Introspection.
  • Ishwara Pranidhana:  Surrender to God's Will
Easier said than done.  Over the next couple of weeks, I plan to try and put the 8 limbs into practice in my life.  I want to cultivate these seeds, and grow where I am planted.  

I'll let you know how it goes.

The 8 Limbs of Yoga 

by Yoga Maharishi Swami Gitananda

"Cultivate the ground with Yama and Niyama, living morally and ethically because it is the only way to live, the only possibility if you seek spiritual growth.

Plant your seeds with a controlled and aware body. Thought the practice of Asanas, become strong and flexible enough to sit straight and still for long periods of time
Give your young plant food for growth with plenty of Pranayama, breath control, in many patterns and timings, held in and out. Your body and mind will quiet.' themselves with the aid of the breath awareness.
Pratyahara is the ability of the young plant of your Yoga Sadhana to hold up to the onslaughts of the outer world as reported back to you by your senses. Many are the enemies for the tender seed, so be aware.
Take root firmly in your body, breath and mind, and reach Dharana. Hold to one spot. let your roots go deep. Bend not in the wind, nor before the rain. Grow straight and tall, true and sincere to your purpose, your spiritual goal.
If you have cultivated your garden, planted good seeds, provided proper nutrients, and fresh air-, withstood the predators of the world as reported to you by your senses ..... if you have remained true to your spiritual goal and sincere. if you have held yourself body, heart and mind to one spot, in a one-pointed desire for perfection ... then ......
The bud of Dhyana may appear on the plant of your life, if your Karma and the grace of God so wills it. Do not pluck It. Tend to it carefully.
At the right moment, at the right place, when all 'first works have been done first" the lovely sun may rise of a morning and touch the bud of your aspiration .... and the full flowering of all that has gone before will unfold .... Samadhi ... the magnificent flower of Sincere Yoga Sadhana.
Hold on to this vision. Work for it.
Give over and into the Divine. He is a great gardener. He will make you grow."

By Yogamaharishi Swami Gitananda

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Logo

Our new logo is HERE and we are on to bigger and better things!  Check out the new branding for Dancing Dogs Yoga as designed by Heather Bragg, Bragg Media.  See you on the mat soon!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Yoga Goes GREEN!

When I decided to open Dancing Dogs Yoga, there were two aspects of the property I chose that sold me:  the first was that our building was eco-friendly, one of the only LEEDs certified mixed-use buildings in the state, and the second was the access to the outdoors.

With our energy-efficient studio leased, and our access to a marsh-front park secured, we started to think about ways to stay as green as possible.  We will offer eco-friendly mats and props for use and for sale, as well as work with Jade Yoga's 3-R's program:  Reuse, Reduce, Recycle Through this program, Jade hopes to reuse yoga mats - bringing them to those who otherwise might not be able to afford them, reduce the number of yoga mats going to landfills and recycle any mats that cannot be reused.  Dancing Dogs Yoga will be the first studio in South Carolina to participate.

We will also offer BPA-free water bottles for sale, and filtered water on site instead of selling bottled water, which will help lessen our footprint and decrease our contribution to landfills.  We will, however, offer recycling for all plastic and cans on the premises.

Through our use of our energy efficient space, recycling, and responsible stewardship of the land we'll practice on, Dancing Dogs Yoga will make everyone else GREEN!

Dancing Dogs Yoga


I have been thinking about opening my own yoga studio for a while now.  A couple of weeks ago, the universe opened the door on that dream, and I've found myself walking through it, and preparing for a new adventure.

Yoga has been a God send for me... when I was struggling with my weight and pretty intense depression, the practice of yoga lightened my body and my spirit.  I learned to care for myself: physically, mentally and spiritually.  The intense change that yoga brought to my life led me to teach, and that desire to share yoga with other people grew and grew.

So I set an intention to open a studio that would serve all segments of the Beaufort Community, including and especially special populations.  I tried to set up community yoga programs with the city, but those good intentions never came to fruition.  Now, through the inception of Dancing Dogs Yoga, I will finally have the opportunity.  I want to offer yoga to everyone who wants to explore it, regardless of their ability to touch their toes, or their ability to pay.  I want other people to know the joy and expression that can come from finally realizing a pose that has been eluding you, from freeing the stress from the body, from learning to breathe all the way down to your toes.  I want to share the physical and emotional growth that yoga can nurture.  I want to share yoga with Beaufort County.  I want to be more generous.

I am so happy to announce that we will kick off the Grand Opening of Dancing Dogs Yoga with a fundraiser, Hatha for Haiti: Help, Hope and Healing for the People of Haiti, on Saturday, February 27, 2010 from 8am-11am, in the park in front of Dancing Dogs Yoga at 1600 Burnside St Ste 106, Beaufort, SC 29902.  For more information, please visit Hatha for Haiti or Dancing Dogs Yoga call Shelley at 843-263-4864 or email shelley@dancingdogsyoga.com


Shelley Lowther

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